July 09, 2020

Dear Prospective Participants,

Although Japan ended the state of emergency in Osaka and Kyoto on May 21 and in all of Japan on May 25 (as it is deemed that the emergency situation measures are no longer necessary), travel is still restricted across countries in order to prevent cross-border transmission risks. Even if travel were not limited, many countries, including Japan, require a 14-day self-isolation period when you enter Japan. Therefore, the executive committee has decided to host this conference online via Microsoft Teams. Hence, there will not be an in-person component to this conference.

The online session program has been posted on the conference website since 1 July 2020.

All registered manuscripts, including both full papers and abstracts, will be published in the conference proceedings. As usual, we will send all conference proceedings to ISI office to be possibly indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). Please note that the ISI office welcomes all submissions but there is no guarantee of inclusion in CPCI. Inclusion in CPCI is selective and competitive, while not all-inclusive.

As we know, humanity has gone through several large epidemics in the past hundreds of years that eventually stopped ravaging society. Hopefully, life will return to normal and the COVID-19 pandemic could be under the control soon.

Wish you all the best.

Secretariat of ICEL 2020

 June 01, 2020

We are delighted to share with you the following information.

On May 19 evening, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced the three prefectures would no longer be under the national state of emergency, after infection rates in all three met the central government’s criteria for lifting it. The standard for lifting it was an infection rate of 0.5 cases or less per 100,000 residents over a one-week period. As of Thursday evening, the rates stood at 0.17 for Osaka, 0.01 for Hyogo and zero for Kyoto.

On May 21 Economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who is spearheading the government’s virus response, said that the situation had improved in those three prefectures in the Kansai region based on an assessment of the number of new patients, the stability of the health care system and the ability to monitor and control infections, including through testing capability.

On June 1 the Osaka Prefectural Government said it would start lifting all remaining business closure requests — giving the green light to clubs, gyms, bars and other facilities that had been struck by cluster infections.

As we know, humanity has gone through several large epidemics in the past hundreds of years that eventually stopped ravaging society. Hopefully, the COVID-19 pandemic could be under the control soon.

 March 17, 2020

Dear Colleagues and participants,

Many thanks for pay attention to reading this news. Because the impact of COVID 19 has been expanded throughout Japan since Late February. After considering many universities discouraging all business travels overseas as well as the desire to do what is best for the health and safety of everyone involved, the executive committee has decided to postpone this year’s ICEL conference from March 30-April 1 to August 17-19, 2020. We think it is better to postpone the conference to let Japanese government have sufficient time to solve COVID-19 crisis. We have closely observed the situation of COVID-19 every day, and think there is a very high possibility of ending the virus crisis before the summer. 

Because some of current participants choose attending the postponed conference while some are unable to attend the postponed conference, the staff now reset the important dates of ICEL 2020 to let interested scholars may have chances to submit their papers via the system. We will put efforts on organizing a wonderful conference on August 17-19 with great opening ceremony and welcome social event reception. Hopefully, in the following months the virus situation can slow down and people can back to their routine lives soon.

GAICS Organizing Committee

 September 23, 2019

Call for Participation and Papers

Dear Colleagues,

The global academic-industrial cooperation society (GAICS) cordially invites you to join the following GAICS Conferences on interdisciplinary research, which will take place at Kokoka Kyoto International Community House, Kyoto, Japan on March 30 - April 1 August 17-19, 2020:

2020 International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL 2020), https://icel2020.gaics.org
2020 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences (IBSS 2020), https://ibss2020.gaics.org
2020 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management (HTSM 2020), https://htsm2020.gaics.org
2020 International Conference on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICMA 2020), https://icma2020.gaics.org

Looking forward to seeing you at Kokoka Kyoto International Community House, Kyoto, Japan on March 30 - April 1 August 17-19, 2020.

GAICS Organizing Committee

Advancing Academic-Industrial Linkage and Knowledge from Interdisciplinary Perspectives